Published 23 Oct 2023

BJ-0324 LED driver board

\\ {{ :electronic:led:.jpg?200|BJ-0324 overview}} Recovered from Anko LED strip light 3M , factory code F100882, 5V USB. ===== Hardware description ===== This small USB powered board accepts commands from an infra-red remote to control the behaviour of a strip of RGB LEDs. I started to document this as it seemed like a great low power interface for all sorts of things as it contained a microcontroller, serial eprom, 3 driver transistors, an infra-red receiver and connections for 3 switches. But once I found the datasheets for the microcontroller, I discovered that it was an OTP device - one time programmable, so it couldn't be reprogrammed for other purposes :-( You could of course replace the microcontroller with a new one, but you really need a development environment (eg emulator) so that you can debug your application before programming it into the chip (and that all assumes it is field programmable and doesn't have to be programmed in the factory or with propriety hardware - I haven't translated enough of the datasheet to know). ==== Components ==== * {{|XMC8P53}} OTP (one time programmable) microcontroller * {{|24C02N}}, Atmel 2K (256 x 8), 2-wire serial EEPROM * {{|A2SHB}}, ( x3) 3.7A, 20V N-Channel MOSFET, LED drivers ---- ===== Examples : ===== {{:electronic:led:pa233169a.jpg?800|BJ-0324 PCB top}} {{:electronic:led:pa233170a.jpg?800|BJ-0324 PCB bottom}} ====== References and Additional Resources ======

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