{{ :electronic:lcd:p9194396a.jpg?200|Nokia 1100 LCD overview}} ^ LCD Description || ^Model|**Nokia 1100**| ^Manufacturer|Nokia| ^Recovered from|[[:electronic:equipment:phone:nokia1100|Nokia 1100 cellphone]]| ^Board IDs|H300, DMS03214| ^LCD type|positive| ^Polarizer type|transflective| ^Columns|96| ^Rows|65| ^Char matrix|-| ^Driver IC|{{:electronic:datasheet:philips:pcf8814.pdf|Philips PCF8814}}| ^Backlight|green LED ((The backlight LEDs appear to be 4 pin RGB ones, so this colour could be changed))| ^Arduino driver|PCF8814.h| ^Connector|pins| ^Num Pins|8| ^Pin spacing|0.044”| ^Module size|mm| {{:electronic:lcd:lph7779.gif|LCD front view diagram}} {{:arduino:nokia:p9124133b.jpg?200|Nokia 1100}}\\ Connector layout, LCD front view ^ LCD pinout ^^^ ^Pin^Label^Description| ^1|XRES|Reset| ^2|XCS|Chip select| ^3|Vss|Ground| ^4|SDA|Data in| ^5|SCLK|Clock| ^6|VddI|1.8V (VIO)| ^7|Vdd|2.8V| ^8|LED+|Backlight (100mA ?)| ^9|-|-| \\ \\ ---- * Nokia 1100 LCD schematic: {{:electronic:lcd:nokia1100_lcd_schematic-2.png?800|Nokia 1100 LCD circuit}} * From this circuit it appears that the phone drives the backlight LEDs with a constant current of about 50mA for each. ---- ===== Additional info ===== * [[http://mylcd.sourceforge.net/files/pcf8814.pdf|PCF8814 datasheet]]{{electronic:datasheet:philips:pcf8814.pdf|.}} * [[https://www.circuitvalley.com/2011/09/nokia-1100-lcd-interfacing-with.html|Nokia 1100 LCD Interfacing with Microcontroller]]. * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20080701143731/http://www.sunbizhosting.com/~spiral/1100/|Nokia 1100 LCD Pic interface]] (with link to code). * [[https://digitalchip.ru/podklyuchenie-displeya-ot-nokia-1100-chast-1/|Connecting the display from Nokia 1100]] (Russian). * [[https://forum.arduino.cc/t/solved-help-for-multi-display-pcf8814-nokia-1100-lcd-3-wire-spi/450894/2|Driving multiple Nokia 1100 displays]] * [[https://picaxeforum.co.uk/threads/nokia-1100-2280-glcd-modules.20186/|Nokia 1100 & 2280 gLCD modules (Picaxe)]] * [[https://habr.com/ru/company/microsoftlumia/blog/143625/|We use the Nokia 1100 screen for our own purposes]] (Russian). * * [[:electronic:lcd:nokia1|Nokia monochrome displays]]. * [[:electronic:lcd:nokia2|Nokia colour displays]]. * Libraries * [[https://github.com/kashapovd/PCF8814-Nokia-1100-LCD-library]] * [[https://github.com/vasiliucatalinmihai/Arduino-library-nokia-1100-lcd--PCF8814]] ---- ===== Examples ===== {{:electronic:lcd:p9124133a.jpg?800|Nokia 1100 front}} {{:electronic:lcd:p9124125b.jpg?800|Nokia 1100 back}} {{:electronic:lcd:dsc_0192b.jpg?600|Nokia 1100 LCD overview with board, top}} {{:electronic:lcd:dsc_0191b.jpg?600|Nokia 1100 LCD overview with board, bottom}} {{:electronic:lcd:p9124131a.jpg?300|Nokia 1100 connector}}\\ {{:electronic:lcd:pb215410a.jpg?300|Nokia 1100 connector}}\\ |{{:electronic:lcd:.jpg?300|Nokia 1100 chip}} {{:electronic:lcd:p9194394a.jpg?200|Nokia 1100 backlight LED}}\\ |{{:electronic:lcd:.jpg?300|Nokia 1100 character set}} {{:electronic:lcd:p9174344a.jpg?400|Nokia 1100 examples}}\\ {{:electronic:lcd:p9174343a.jpg?400|Nokia 1100 examples}}\\ {{:electronic:lcd:p9174348a.jpg?400|Nokia 1100 examples}}\\ |{{:electronic:lcd:.jpg?200|Nokia 1100 pixel layout}}\\ * Library: [[https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-gfx-graphics-library|Adafruit_GFX_Library]] * Library: [[https://github.com/kashapovd/PCF8814-Nokia-1100-LCD-library|PCF8814-Nokia-1100-LCD-library]] * test.ino| * {{:electronic:lcd:p9164303b.mp4|∇ }} * {{:arduino:life:life_adafruit_gfx.ino|Adafruit_GFX life.ino}} * {{:electronic:lcd:p9174373a.mp4|∇}} ---- ===== Mounting on PCB ==== To reuse these in Arduino projects it is useful to have them mounted on a PCB. After disassembly the LCD's transparent light guide can be trimmed down to the size of the LCD:\\ {{:electronic:lcd:p9194395a.jpg?400|Nokia 3310 adapter LCD trimmed}} \\ \\ I have some spare Diymore Nokia 3310 adapter PCBs that can be modified to accommodate them:\\ {{:electronic:lcd:pc094071b.jpg?200|Nokia 3310 adapter PCB top}} {{:electronic:lcd:pc094070b.jpg?200|Nokia 3310 adapter PCB bottom}} \\ \\ The four LEDs were removed from the top of the Nokia 3310 adapter PCB, and the capacitor on the bottom was replaced with a wire (there is a capacitor mounted on the Nokia 1100 LCD's light guide with the backlight LEDs. So it doesn't need an external capacitor for the LCD voltage booster, and doesn't need the blue LEDs). Then a piece of the reflective white backing from the phone's PCB was applied to the top surface of the PCB to give a reflective surface for the backlights:\\ |{{:electronic:lcd:p9174341a.jpg?400|Modified Nokia 3310 adapter PCB top}}|{{:electronic:lcd:p9194416c.jpg?400|Modified Nokia 3310 adapter PCB top}}| \\ \\ The tidiest way to secure the LCD to the adapter PCB was using a modified frame from the original faulty Nokia 3310 display:\\ |{{:electronic:lcd:p9194402a.jpg?400|Original Nokia 3310 LCD mounting frame}}|{{:electronic:lcd:p9194401a.jpg?400|Modified Nokia 3310 LCD mounting frame}}| {{:electronic:lcd:p9194418a.jpg?600|Nokia 1100 LCD and new PCB mount, top}} {{:electronic:lcd:p9194416b.jpg?600|Nokia 1100 LCD and new PCB mount, bottom}} {{:electronic:lcd:nokia_1100_pcb.png?800|Modified Nokia 3310 PCB circuit}} \\ \\ \\ ^ PCB Connector pin-out ^^^ Arduino test rig || ^Pin#^Label^Description^Pin^colour| ^1|LED+|Backlight Anode| | | ^2|Clk|Serial Clock|13|Green| ^3|SDA|Serial Data In|11|Blue| ^4|GND|Power Ground| |Brown| ^5|CS|Chip Select|10|Yellow| ^6|RST|Reset|8|Grey| ^7|nc|(no connection)|-|-| ^8|Vdd|2.7V to 3.3V| |Orange| \\ \\ Tested with Arduino Pro Mini, 8MHz, 3.3V:\\ {{:electronic:lcd:p9174382.jpg?600|Nokia 1100 Arduino Test Rig}} ^Backlight voltage^Backlight current^Comments^ |1.8V|1mA |LEDs just starts to glow| |1.9V|3mA|dull backlight visible in darkened room| |2.0V|8mA|dim| |2.1V|10mA| |2.2V|12mA| |2.3V|19mA| |2.4V|30mA|visible in lighted room| |2.5V|42mA|good| |2.6V|53mA| |2.7V|58mA| |2.75V|65mA|bright|