Published 19 Feb 2020

CD and DVD Rom Drives

\\ ===== Overview ===== CD and DVD Roms contain a variety of electronic components and motors that might be useful for other projects. ===== Hardware description ===== ====== References and Additional Resources ====== * [[]]-0:00 CDROM drive as audio player * [[]] CDROM drive as music player * [[]]-5:36 CDROM drive as laser wood inscriber * [[]] Pocket Laser Engraver * [[]] * [[]]-11:24 CDROM drive as 2D plotter * [[]] Dot Matrix Printer From a CD/DVD Reader With Arduino * [[]] Printer From a CD Reader * [[]] Floppy Drawbot * [[]] Frankenstein Laser Engraver * [[]] GRBL-Plotter graphic converter code * [[]] DIY BioPrinter * [[]] Poor Man's 3D Printer * [[]] Things to Build Out of CD/DVD-Drives * [[]] Arduino CDROM BLDC Motor Driver, Enhanced Performance * [[]] CD-Rom motors * [[]] CD Art

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